Medical Business - Knoxville Spine and Sports
If you are a patient of ours, you’ve most likely experienced or heard about our new shockwave therapy machines. Learn about the shockwave therapy in Knoxville and how Knoxville Spine and Sports provides this treatment in a high-quality and patient-centered way.
The technology behind these amazing machines has been around for quite a while. The technology in shockwave therapy is the same as that used for lithotripsy, which is a procedure that breaks up kidney stones using ultrasonic waves. However, it has been modified to treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal complaints.
There are two different forms of shockwave therapy that we have in our Knoxville office, radial shockwave therapy and focal shockwave therapy. They both treat many of the same issues but shine in certain areas, where the other doesn’t.
For example, the radial shockwave machine works well with larger areas or muscle bellies. Whereas the focal shockwave machine shines when treating tendons, ligaments, and bone-related issues.
The name shockwave therapy may seem intimidating, but don’t worry, because at no point are you being shocked. The focal machine uses a powerful electric shock to generate a quick and powerful ultrasonic wave, that is then transmitted into the desired area through a silicone head down to a small point. When these ultrasound waves enter the desired tissue several actions occur.
The ultrasound wave has been shown to:
The radial shockwave machine does many of the same things but delivers the ultrasound wave differently. Instead of using an electric shock to generate the wave, the radial unit uses compressed air to fire a little bullet into the backside of the treatment head which transmits a sound wave that spreads out as it enters the desired area.
Just about everyone can get shockwave therapy benefits, however, just like any other treatment or modality, there are contraindications. The contraindications for shockwave therapy use include infections, cancerous tissue, blood clotting disorders, taking blood thinner medications, and pregnancy, and it should not be used over the growth plates of minors.
Shockwave can be applied to a large variety of soft tissue complaints. Some of the most common complaints that we use the shockwave machines for include:
As stated previously, there are many applications for these machines. If you have any questions about them or are interested in getting shockwave therapy in Knoxville, give our office a call at (865) 229-8796 to schedule an appointment. You may also fill out our online forms to provide you with the best treatment plan to achieve full functionality.
Contact Knoxville Spine & Sports today!
8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
Knoxville, TN
Phone: 865-337-5574
7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Saturday & Sunday