Medical Business - Knoxville Spine and Sports
Our dry needling in Knoxville is a therapeutic procedure that involves the insertion of a disposable sterile, solid, filiform needle (a needle similar to an Acupuncture needle) to a specifically selected point on the body based on criteria determined by modern, contemporary anatomical and physiological considerations to achieve a desired neurological or myofascial response. If you're searching for dry needling therapy Knoxville, our clinic offers expert treatment to help relieve muscle pain and restore function.
Dry Needling is a very effective treatment for those suffering from trigger points, tight and taut myofascia, fibrotic muscles, or nerve pain or dysfunction. It can also be used to help treat disc bulges, radiculopathies, pinched nerves, as well as sprains and strains. It helps to decrease muscle spasms and trigger points, increase the rate of healing, and reset the neurological gain to that particular region.
Dry Needling is used as a tool to modify or normalize the neuro-musculoskeletal function within the human body. Dry needling intends to correct or restore the function of a particular structure. It is not, however, to primarily manage the circulation of invisible energy or balance. Dry Needling should be distinguished from “Wet Needling” in that no fluid substance is introduced into the body for therapeutic effect during treatment with Dry Needling. This treatment may use electrical muscle stimulation appropriate to the patient's diagnosis and treatment plan. This has been shown to be very effective in helping our patients recover more quickly.
As a sports chiropractor in Knoxville, TN specializing in the management and treatment of all athletes, Dr. Bert has seen dry needling in Knoxville help a panoply of injuries and overuse syndromes.
Simply…it works. It is not the end all be all nor does it replace all other treatment modalities or treatment regiments, however, we have found a need with our patients that Dry Needling has helped us address. Our doctor for Dry Needling in Knoxville, TN will help reduce or eliminate acute and chronic pain, help to restore normal function to joints and shortened muscles, as well as reset the neural tension in the human body.
Call us today at (865) 337-5574 to schedule your appointment with our Knoxville sports physician!
With chronic conditions such as tension headaches, neck pain, and lower back pain these mechanoreceptors have been ordered to tighten down muscles for so long that the spastic muscle begins to affect the tissue health around the area. This muscle tension will ultimately cause palpable, inflamed nodules within the tissue called trigger points which will result in pain. A needle inserted into those trigger points can have a profound effect on reducing the painful symptoms that accompany myofascial trigger points.
Dry Needling treatment is very effective for those suffering from trigger points such as:
A Dry needle doctor can help decrease muscle spasms and increase the rate of healing by resetting the neurological function to a particular region.
Dry Needling is different than acupuncture since it is used as a tool to modify or normalize the neuro-musculoskeletal function within the human body. Dry Needling intends to correct or restore the function of a particular structure. Unlike acupuncture, its purpose is not to manage the circulation of energy or balance. The intention is very biomechanical and operates off of the idea that a needle inserted into a spastic muscle will decrease its tone.
In East Tennessee so close to the Smoky Mountains and all of the trails common to this region, we treat many patients such as:
We also treat a variety of students in middle school and high school teams, as well as CrossFitters and weekend warriors.
Another important demographic to address is those that, due to their occupation, are placed in unideal posture for long periods. Those who are in front of computers all day tend to generate tension in their neck and upper back as well as at the base of their heads. They may also be struggling with tension headaches. Surgeons, machine operators, and manufacturing employees are all victims of postural distortion that will cause an imbalance of tight and weak musculature. Dry Needling treatment is immensely effective at normalizing the tone of those structures.
8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
Knoxville, TN
Phone: 865-337-5574
7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Saturday & Sunday