Medical Business - Knoxville Spine and Sports

Custom Orthotics in Knoxville

Custom orthotics done in Knoxville Spine and Sports

Custom Feet Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to correct the alignment of the feet and ankles in individuals with abnormal walking patterns. They can do biomechanics of the feet by repositioning their structures and helping them move more properly. In turn, there is less stress in joints, as well as in soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Benefits can even extend to joints above the feet, as in the ankles, and knees, and improve the biomechanics of the feet. 

Conditions Where Orthotics are Used

The common conditions in which custom orthotics are used as part of the treatment plan include:

  • Plantar Fasciitis Doctor examining a patient's foot for custom orthotics
  • Achilles Tendinitis 
  • Ankle instability / recurrent ankle sprains
  • Metatarsalgia ( pain in joints of toes) and bunions
  • Previous foot or ankle surgery 
  • Arch pain 
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
  • IT Band Syndrome  

Knoxville Spine and Sports’ Orthotics Customization

At Knoxville Spine and Sports, you will get a thorough foot mechanics evaluation and gait analysis to determine if custom orthotics are right for you. Each pair of orthotics is custom made taking into account your foot type,  gait pattern, and lifestyle demands. A mold of your feet will be made and sent to a specialized lab, along with a prescription order to ensure you get the best-fitting pair of orthotics for your feet. 

Get the best custom orthotics in Knoxville today by contacting Knoxville Spine and Sports!

  • Contact Us

    8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
    Knoxville, TN 37919
    United States
    Phone: (865) 337-5574
  • Office Hours

    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-5pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    Saturday & Sunday

  • © Knoxville Spine & Sports 2018 - 2022
    Developed by M.D.R. Marketing Done Right
    contact information

    8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
    Knoxville, TN
    Phone: 865-337-5574


    office hours

    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    Saturday & Sunday

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