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Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Knoxville

Child getting chiropractic treatment

Wait, so babies can get adjusted? Of course, they can! The techniques and force must be modified for little ones, but adjustments are extremely safe, effective, and gentle. Babies can be given pediatric chiropractic care any time after birth, even within mere minutes of arrival. 

What are the Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care

The birthing process is one of the more traumatic things that our bodies go through, requiring squeezing and contorting to get through the birth canal. This process can put a lot of strain on the spine, musculoskeletal, and nervous system in general. 

Just like in adults, babies can experience subluxations, restrictions, or muscle tension in and along the spine. The resultant interference can inhibit proper nervous system function. 

Gentle manipulations alongside soft tissue work can help free these subluxations or restrictions, which removes the interference to the nervous system. A healthy nervous system can respond and adapt to stressors more efficiently, helping babies be happier and healthier. 

Let’s discuss some common complaints that often require chiropractic care for babies! 

Common Pediatric Conditions Treated with Chiropractic Care


Colic is a common condition that affects about 25% of healthy infants from birth to 6 weeks of age. Colic is typically characterized by prolonged crying (3 hours or more), clenching of the fists, and flexion of the hips. It is typically diagnosed using the law of 3’s: crying for more than 3 hours a day for more than 3 days per week for 3 weeks or more. 

The cause of colic is largely unknown, however, several theories include gastrointestinal distress, neurodevelopmental factors, and psychosocial factors. Like many conditions, the cause is likely multifactorial and unique to everyone. 

Our pediatric chiropractic care in Knoxville can decrease stress placed on the nervous system, allowing the body to function more optimally. Adjustments are also known to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the rest and digest functions of the body. By adjusting the spine and easing any stress on the nervous system, babies are often noticeably more relaxed. 


Baby with Torticollis getting treated

The exact cause of Torticollis is unknown, but there are several theories as to why it occurs. In newborns it is likely due to the baby's positioning in the uterus or injury to the muscles of the neck during the birthing process. 

Another cause of Torticollis with particular interest to a pediatric chiropractor is facet joint irritation or restriction. Facet joints are small joints on either side of the spine in the neck that are regularly adjusted in adults as well as kids and babies. 

With gentle manipulation and soft tissue work, the facet joints can be freed from restriction and the muscles that are in spasm will relax. 

Breast Feeding Difficulties

Breastfeeding difficulties are becoming increasingly more common in infants, with newborns having a hard time latching at the breast to eat. 

Several potential causes have been identified, with first being tongue and lip ties, also known as Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs). Depending on the severity, the tie may require surgical revision. Less severe ties often respond to gentle stretches and exercises that can be used to help the baby achieve a firmer and more efficient latch. 

Improving the latch helps decrease the possibility of baby sucking in air while feeding, which can lead to an upset stomach. Regardless of severity and route of treatment, babies often respond well to Chiropractic Care for TOTs. 

Coupling treatments can help improve function and decrease pain or discomfort for both mom and baby. 


Pediatric Chiropractic Care at Knoxville Spine and Sports.

Constipation is another common complication in little ones. One of the most common causes for constipation in infants is food allergies or sensitivities. Sensitivities are often not as severe as true allergies, but still create a stress reaction in the body. 

Ingredients in formula or foods that breastfeeding mothers are consuming can cause GI issues, such as distress or constipation. The most common food sensitivity that can lead to constipation is a dairy allergy/sensitivity. A dairy sensitivity is not the same as being lactose intolerant, however, can still create gastrointestinal distress and inflammation. 

If using formula, try different brands that are specifically made for those with certain food sensitivities or allergies. If breastfeeding, pay attention to the things you are eating consistently and look for any correlation between what you eat and your baby’s bowel movements. If there doesn’t seem to be a correlation, an elimination of common stressors/allergies can often provide helpful information. 

Adjustments employed by a pediatric chiropractor can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates digestive function. Among the many benefits of pediatric chiropractic care is it allows for better movement in the bowels and helps ease gastrointestinal complaints in infants. 

Trust Our Team for Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Knoxville!

If you are looking for pediatric chiropractic care in Knoxville, trust Knoxville Spine & Sports! Our team always strives to provide the best course of care for your child. Schedule your initial evaluation today.

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