Your First Visit: What To Expect

Like most patients, you might get nervous about a first visit to the doc. Rest assured-- you are in good hands with the Knoxville Spine and Sports team. Our team genuinely cares about your health and well-being. Our aim is to find the root cause of your problem and make a plan to address that root cause. This might involve working to heal an injury, providing pain relief, increasing range of motion, or a combination of all of those.

At Knoxville Spine and Sports, our welcoming and courteous staff will make your first visit relaxing and rewarding. Our providers will design a unique plan built just for you that addresses your specific issues. We pride ourselves on providing a wellness solution specifically suited to your individual needs. There is no "Cookie Cutter" approach in our facility and this is NOT a "Mill". We have a team approach and you will be seen by the very best East Tennessee has to offer.

You can expect the first visit to last about 45 minutes to an hour, and it will involve the following:

History and Symptoms

You will begin by filling out questionnaires about your current condition and symptoms, which will help us have a better understanding of what we need to address. For example, if you are experiencing pain, we want to know where it is located, when and how it started, and we want you to describe the pain as well. We’ll get info on your prior injuries and pre-existing conditions, and a list of your current doctors and their prescribed treatments will also be helpful. We will obtain pulse and blood pressure during this portion of the visit.

The Initial Exam

Whether you are coming to our office for physical therapy treatment for chiropractic care, our providers will take the necessary time to walk through your history and symptoms. Your provider will perform various tests to assess muscle tone and strength, range of motion, and neurological function. Before you leave your appointment your provider will walk through how a treatment plan should look like for the most optimal recovery and healing.

Diagnostic Tests

At our office, we do not require diagnostic imaging prior to your appointments. However, if you have had previous imaging on the area of complaint, you are encouraged to bringthose with you to your appointment. If X-rays, MRI’s or other lab tests are deemed necessary, our office will assist with referrals and setting up an appointment with the facility.

  • Contact Us

    8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
    Knoxville, TN 37919
    United States
    Phone: (865) 337-5574
  • Office Hours

    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-5pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    Saturday & Sunday

  • © Knoxville Spine & Sports 2018 - 2022
    Developed by M.D.R. Marketing Done Right
    contact information

    8029 Ray Mears Blvd, Suite 300
    Knoxville, TN
    Phone: 865-337-5574


    office hours

    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-6pm
    7am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
    Saturday & Sunday

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