Most of you are reading this because you are experiencing pain in the elbow, you may suspect you have a tendon injury, or perhaps you have already received a confirmed diagnosis. Either way, you are most likely interested in learning what steps to take to get on the road to recovery with elbow pain treatment in Knoxville. Experience treatment with the help of our chiropractors and certified athletic trainers trained in treating and rehabilitating sports injuries and conditions of the elbow.
Like many other conditions, elbow pain can come about for multiple reasons ranging from a direct and apparent injury to gradually cropping up from overuse. The pain can be a sudden onset or can start as a slow nagging pain. Some common reasons for elbow discomfort are:
A partial tear only penetrates the tendon partially. Describe how deep the tendon tear is, rather than length, width, or other dimensions.
Tendinosis is a degeneration of the collagen in the tendon due to chronic overuse. These can also occur when overusing the tendon without healing and rest, as with repetition.
A muscle or tissue that connects muscle to bone, stretches, or tears (tendon). Lower back and back of thigh muscle strains are common. Pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and a restriction in the muscle's movement capacity are all symptoms.
Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon. Any tendon in the elbow can be affected. Inflammation of a tendon can result in swelling, pain, and discomfort.
The radius, one of two long bones in the lower arm, has been pushed away from its natural position, resulting in radial head subluxation. The radial bone's supporting ligament then glides into the elbow joint. When this happens, the radial bone is unable to return to its usual position.
Entrapment of the ulnar nerve at the elbow can occur when the nerves are stretched too far. Keeping the elbow bent fully, or when the nerves are directly compressed by pressing the elbow against a solid surface.
Whatever the reason, it is essential to get it checked out. These conditions have different treatment approaches to alleviate the pain and get you back to functioning at absolute capacity.
One of the more common reasons for pain in elbows comes from overuse or repetitive motion. This can be from an activity such as playing tennis or golf, or in many cases from the use of electronics such as the mouse of your computer, keyboard, or cell phone use.
Though the intensity of the movements needed to type and do basic desk work is very low, the repetition for hours and days on end can be sufficient to cause damage to the tissue. The vast number of muscles and ligaments that attach to this joint coupled with the lack of rest with the necessity of these tissues to perform basic human function will sometimes cause parts of this joint to become irritated or inflamed.
At Knoxville Spine and Sports, we utilize a comprehensive approach to heal and rehabilitate your elbow through chiropractic care, tennis elbow treatment as well and physical therapy. We almost always incorporate one or more of the following:
Dry needling is a treatment that involves applying pressure to muscles and trigger points to relieve pain and stiffness. Dry needling, also known as trigger point injections, involves the insertion of a series of small needles into your skin to relieve, and locate sharp pain in the elbow when putting pressure on it.
Laser Therapy is very effective in helping decrease elbow inflammation. Laser Treatments enhance physical therapy and chiropractic treatments for many types of injuries including elbow pain injury.
Soft tissue manipulation is a term that we utilize to describe a very hands-on approach, similar to massage, to increase mobility and decrease the tension of specific muscles in the elbow that is contributing to the condition.
Chiropractic is a proven, safe, and effective therapy for elbow pain that promotes healing and restores strength without surgery or medication. Chiropractic aims not only to relieve the pain itself but to address the structural components such as the muscles and skeleton. Both of which contribute to the condition being there in the first place.
If you are coming in to get treatment from one of our Chiropractors or the Physical therapy team, they may provide more than one of the therapies mentioned above and treat more than just your elbow. The wrist, shoulder, and thoracic spine must continually be assessed as these areas will likely contribute to elbow function in some capacity.
Whether you are looking for an elbow adjustment, muscle strengthening, pain relief, or therapeutic exercises for elbow pain treatment in Knoxville, you can be confident in knowing that one of our skilled clinicians here at Knoxville Spine and Sports can help you reach your goals. Please contact our team for questions you would like answered about your elbow health or any body part that we can help you with.