At-Home Essentials


Woman doing yoga at homeFollowing through with your at-home care plan is essential to making progress. In an effort to help you succeed, we’ve recently begun recording some of our favorite stretches. The following link will take you straight to Dr. Bert’s YouTube channel. There are quite a few videos we will be adding over the next few months, so add the link as a bookmark in order to visit again in the near future. As always, if you see something you have further questions about, don’t hesitate to ask!

While there are plenty of high quality videos available online, there are also plenty of resources that aren’t so trustworthy. It’s always good to research and try to learn things on your own, but you want to make sure you’re being fed accurate information! The following links are just a few resources out there we would suggest as good advice.

Kelly Starrett (on YouTube or which provides more resources as well) (videos of stretches on YouTube channel)

ROMWOD (daily stretching workouts designed to help you achieve optimal range of motion)



Depending on your level and/or type of activity, there are usually specific suggestions we will make regarding your stretching protocol. However, if you simply don’t remember the timing we suggested, here are a few general rules:

Stretch as often as you can. For example, if we’ve suggested you focus on a stretch that requires a doorway (like the doorway calf stretches), then stretch almost as often as you see a doorway and have a few extra seconds to stretch. If we’ve suggested the Gentleman’s Stretch, then it would be beneficial for you to casually stretch any time you’re sitting in a chair at work or at home. Just like trying to study for a test, a little bit of studying throughout every day is far more beneficial than trying to cram in an entire unit’s worth of studying the night before the test.

When working out, warm up before and stretch after. Warming up before you jump into an extensive stretching protocol is essential. If you’re getting ready to run your first 5K of the season and it’s 34 degrees outside, the very last thing you want to do is step out of the car and immediately dive into your deepest stretch. Run a warm-up lap first, adding in a few squats or lunges. After you’re feeling somewhat warm, then stretch. Once the 5K is complete, slip back into that stretching routine to maximize flexibility and reduce soreness down the road.

Work to make stretching a part of your daily routine. Brushing your teeth is a habit that has become ingrained as part of your daily routine (hopefully!). We suggest you work stretching into that daily routine as well. A small amount of stretching is always a good way to start the day, and stretching before bed is a great way to wind down at the end of a day.

A FEW ITEMS to have at home:

  • Small Dixie cups for ice massage - fill ¾ of the way full with water and freeze - having these on hand is a great step for icing injuries
  • Ice pack - the bigger, the better
  • TherEx bands - we can provide one of these at the office if you don’t already have one at home. These are the bands that we often use when introducing therapeutic strengthening exercises.
  • Tennis or lacrosse ball (can also wrap one of these in a long sock or pillow case for ease in handling)
  • Foam roller

To use one of the small ice-filled cups for an ice massage, apply ice directly to affected area and massage, constantly moving the cup around the entire affected area. Icing an injury in this manner should last a maximum of 4-5 minutes.

If you’re using an ice pack on a larger area, we suggest icing for 15-20 minutes at a time. While it is often tempting to fall asleep on an ice pack, it’s best if you are more careful with the prescribed timing.

If we’ve suggested foam roller, lacrosse ball, or tennis ball work for you to do at home, don’t forget to take your time. This is essentially a form of self-massage and myofascial release. If you find “knots” or sensitive areas, take your time in those areas, as this will provide most beneficial release.

We will do all we can in the office to help move along the healing process, but your overall progress often hinges upon your ability and willingness to follow through with suggested at-home care. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you might have.

As always, we are Together for Health


Dr. Bert Solomon
A graduate of Life University, Dr. Bert specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sports-related injuries, as well as spine and extremity musculoskeletal dysfunctions. He has completed his postgraduate studies in Chiropractic Neurology from the Carrick Institute, and Chiropractic Sports Medicine from the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic. He was certified in active release technique (ART) in 2007 as a provider for the full body and long tract nerves. He received his CCSP certificate in 2010 from the American Board of Chiropractic Sports Physicians, as well as received his CCEP certificate as an extremity specialist from the Council of Extremity Adjusting. Dr. Bert serves as a consultant for Fitness Together in assessing and evaluating the functional performance of their clients.
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